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Learn the fundamentals of cyber security, data privacy, global laws and regulations including most noted cyber breaches, security risks, security technologies, and the best security practices.


The best-protected companies are those that know how to use computers, networks, and mobile devices with security in mind. Explore fundamental cyber security and data privacy principles that apply to use as an end user. The following are the highlights of the course:

· Explain the main elements of the CIA triad: confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

· Identify ways to minimize the various attack surfaces.

· List several good practice techniques to avoid malware

· Discuss methods to ensure safe browsing and email habits.

· Summarize the various ways to secure your laptops and workstations.

· Outline common techniques used to secure digital data.

Course Currilcum

    • Course Overview 00:02:00
    • IT Basics 00:03:00
    • CIA Triad 00:04:00
    • Breach Consequences 00:02:00
    • End User Risks 00:02:00
    • Remote Access Risks 00:02:00
    • Information Classification 00:03:00
    • Protecting Information 00:03:00
    • Encryption and Access Control 00:03:00
    • Patch Management 00:03:00
    • Security Practices – E-Mail and Internet 00:04:00
    • Security Practices – Computer & Workstation 00:05:00
    • Your Role in IT Security 00:03:00
    • Comply with Laws and Regulations 00:05:00
    • Course Test – Cyber Security Fundamentals 00:15:00